About me –  Who is Dominique Merlin

I am a natural born clairvoyant psychic-medium.  Being a medium is the ability to connect those in spirit with our loved ones that are on the Other Side. My abilities have manifested themselves more and more as I moved from Paris, France to Los Angeles, California in 1992 and soon became a professional medium in 1995.

I went back to live in France at the end of September 2015 and I am currently living in the French Riviera.

My spiritual abilities

I do not use any tarot cardsastrology signs or anything else. Nothing! I only need your verbal permission to read you.

I communicate with *loved ones, *spirits guides, *spiritual teachers and *guardian angels.

I am clairvoyant and see earthbound spirits and ghosts.

I also read *aura around people and I have been doing many *past lives readings for many years.

Today I can say I am proud to make a difference in people’s life and help with my spiritual abilities.  I meet interesting individuals every day and love doing what I consider my soul’s mission.

I offer free reading for missing children.



April, 26th., 2021