I read over the telephone. As soon as you call me, I start the psychic reading.  I describe to you who is around you in the Afterlife, who are the loved ones who wants to communicate. I let spirit talk and deliver their message to you. They always have a lot to share.

How do Afterlife readings work?

In order to start a reading, either an afterlife reading or a past-lives reading, I only need one thing from you: your first name.  The less I know about you, the better the reading will be.

I start the communication with the loved ones that have crossed over as soon as we get in touch. They are already around me even before you call me. Your voice is the key that enables the contact with invisible world and allows me to read you.

I will describe the visions I have and share all the details with you. There is no need to ask me any specific questions as your spirit guides and the holy guardian angels that surround you will direct the reading in accordance with what you need to know at that time, for the benefit of your spiritual advancement and to make life decisions.

Whatever you need to know will be revealed to you

I record the entire reading so that later you will be able to listen to it and continue to benefit from it. While listening to the recording, you will make more connections, and the emotional healing will continue until one day you won’t need to listen to it anymore.

During a reading I mainly communicate with the Departed. Sometimes earthbound spirits want to communicate as they seek freedom from the physical realm. With the Padre Pio by my side, together we help them go to the Light.

I am in contact with the angelic realms and from time to time, angels do communicate with me and deliver messages of hope and faith.

I give spiritual counseling, past-lives readings and aura readings always in accordance with the divine team what oversees our life.

Past-Lives Reading By Phone

I do past-lives readings, communications with loved ones that have crossed over, and aura readings. I have been giving past readings professionally by telephone or in person since 1995. Readings by telephone are equally effective as readings in person.

How do past-lives readings work?

Regarding past-lives readings, it is your will and intention to free yourself from your past that will assure the quality of the reading. Your voice is the key element that will allow the contact with your soul and allow me to read you.

Once you give me the green light to read you, I will experience the reading process along with you.

I truly believe that if you feel the need to figure out one or more of your past lives, it’s because you are right at a moment of your life where you are re-experiencing old situations from other lives and you intuitively know that the reason for it is to be found in a previous life.

Like a time machine I am able to go backward into somebody’s life and stop at whatever moment I feel important to make the connection between your past and present lives. I can tell you who you were in a past life, described the circumstances prior to your death and how you physically died. Most importantly I will inform you how you are still connected to that past life which is the reading of the present incarnation.

A past-lives reading takes a little bit longer.