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Hi Dominique,

It has been almost a week since my reading with you. It was a very intense and sometimes emotional experience for me. I learned so much about myself and have helped me to reconnect in a much stronger way with the spiritual aspects of my present life and my soul. While I always believed in the afterlife and knew all would be fine in the end when we are back with God and loved ones on the other side, I would still feel alone to carry my burdens and survive life. I wanted much more even though I have a great life and family to love, I felt there were pieces missing inside of me. With you explaining some of my past lives and one in particular, it gave me knowledge and support as what I need to do to make this life more fulfilling for me. I had always felt there had to be a connection to a previous life for some of the emotions I have felt since I was a kid. Knowing that my father is very happy on the other side has filled my heart with joy and eased the guilt I felt when he passed away and I was not there for him. I knew he was still watching out for me and the family as he made his presence known at times.

When you told me that I had been a soldier in a previous life and dealt with much death, despair, and destruction, I knew immediately that was what I had felt all my life. I seemed to always be getting ready for battle in this life and being depressed because in my soul I had already lived it and did not like it, and was tired. I wanted to grow, which I have but not to the level I felt was in my destiny. You told me I had walked away from myself and had not come back to reclaim part of my soul. That has to be part of my life now so that I can live this life to the fullest and not repeat past mistakes and issues.

Your insight is incredible. We talked over two and a half hours. I learned more about myself in that time than I probably did in 55 years of living. Liked I told you, I am very private and while I share my feelings at times, I don’t share much when it comes to my very personal thoughts as many people are not as open as they think especially when it comes to the spiritual realms. I felt very comfortable with you in minutes of starting the session. There is still a lot that I want to cover with you at a later date. I still need time to think through all that we covered. I hope you can continue to help others with your gift and make their lives better. Take care Dominique.



« Yes, I wanted to thank you again for a wonderfully powerful reading. It has taken me yesterday & today to begin to process the info & it’s just beginning to sink in as I reflect upon my life & what’s intuitively important to me. I am so grateful that we have met & that I could help you, as well.
Thank you also for the Solar Return. I’m excited to read it & I’ll keep you posted! »

Be well,


« Thank you for sharing your wonderful energy and insights. The reading has given me much better focus and determination to « do what I am meant to do. » You have been absolutely wonderful with your clarity and support. I thank the Universe for leading me to you and you to me. I will keep in touch. 😉

Wants to remain anonymous


« Yes, it was an amazing reading. So much information, I am still processing.
It was the right time to hear everything you said to me. Thank you. It is comforting to know you are here to help guide in this life journey.
Till next time. »

Many blessings


« Just wanted to say a quick ‘thanks’ for your time on Saturday. I got a lot out of my experience and it gave me a lot to think about. You have a wonderful gift and I’m so glad that I was led to you….have a great day! »

Vanessa I.


« I heard from Vanessa I. that she had a really great reading with you and it made me smile to picture you as she was describing her experience with you! You have such an exuberance for what you do and it is a joy to see you share your gifts!

It has reminded me that I would love to see you again personally and professionally. I would like to set up a reading with you to get a check on where I am at this time with my guides and also would love to visit with some of my loved ones, especially my mother and my nephew as well as my beloved dog Murphy.

Let me know what your schedule is and we can set up an appointment. »

Suzanne Barone, Los Angeles, CA


« Thank you for the reading. You were able to explain, clearly, the reason behind my present situation through my past lives. I will have to listen to the tapes again, so as not to be trapped in my present pain; but to see the lesson and goodness of why I am facing this. Then, I will be able to pull myself up and move forward.

Moreover, you were able to pass messages, very precise and clearly, from my loved ones on the other side. These massages have given me comfort and peace. I could feel that you really wanted to help me and were patient in explaining any of my doubts.

I must say your gift in giving reading has given me some light to move on. Thank you. I will need your help in the future. Hope you will continue to help more people. Bless you. »

Chiong Wen, Singapore


I can’t tell you how profoundly impacted Suzanne and I have been from our respective readings with you. You have an amazing gift, Dominique! Thank you for sharing it with us.
You remain an incredible inspiration and blessing to each of us. »

Dawn from Los Angeles


I met Dominique many years ago, and had readings which I always appreciated a lot, with her, in private. I did not hesitate to recommend her to all my friends. This time I had a reading by phone. My mother, deceased in June 2000, was with us; she absolutely wanted to communicate with us, and to give me her opinion on my situation and the decisions I had to take with my life. I’m so happy she could give me counseling and advices on many doubts I had. Dominique also got rid of a earthbound spirit who was attached to me, disrupting my energies during months, and I am very grateful to her for that.

Dominique is very competent, I trust her and I’m very confident with her readings when sometimes I’m doubtful, or when situations in my life are kind of stuck.

I’ll not hesitate to appeal to Dominique in the future because I know I’m always receiving the counseling I need and the right answers to my questions.

Thank you, Dominique!
Marie Claire D.